Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The grand slam "Heaux" is back with a few things to say.

Some of you went in! I guess everyone else is walking around with chastity belts and halos around this bitch waiting for their prince to ride up and take their virginity on the wedding night. Please! Most of you are fucking just like I was and just got lucky. 1 in 4 is the statistic so some of you are walking around with the same shit and don't know it or are just as fucked up as I am. Again I admit my mistake and I'm faaarrr from perfect but some peoples comments seem as if they are walking on water out this bitch. It feels so good to be living amongst so many angels on earth. (right)

The funniest comment is that I was looking for a come up, lmao!!!! First off Trevor approached me. He had his people come and talk to me for him and I was semi across the room. I don't go up to men trying to talk to them. Second what the hell was I coming up on? That nigga is a notorious cheapskate, he even asked me to pay half on a plane ticket (which I didn't). If I was digging I would have moved the hell on from jump cause ain't shit but pocket lint in that dig. The only thing he gave me was the gift that keeps on giving. I did have feelings for him at that time but I guess that is hard to believe maybe? Non of the angels reading with their tight ass chastity belts on have ever genuinely liked someone? Okay. AND HELL to the NO NO NO NO do I WANT HIM!!! I'm already herpes the fuck up but I wouldn't fuck him again a with stray cats PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!

I sat right next to him when he was negotiating a child support settlement for one of his MANY kids and he was offering a little over $1,000 a month then he asked his lawyer if that was too much. I guess there was not much to go around when you have a enough kids for a starting team and some bench warmers. So it's def not about the money; its about the principle and to bring awareness that he knew he had this and gave it to me on purpose. That is why I'm mad son. I know he is still passing this shit around and he needs to be stopped. If this was hiv his ass is spreading like Skippys he would be rotting in jail. It's the same principle and it's a serious virus no matter how much people like to pass it off as a "skin" disease, it is more than that.

If he had been honest with me about what he has then it was on me had I chosen to still fuck him. Then if this had happened I couldn't have been mad because I would have known what the situation was.

For those of us that know Trevor intimately I'll  throw a couple of identifiers out. He has a large thick vein that runs down the top of his cock.  He is freaky/nasty, Obviously!! I forgot to mention that I had my period when this happened (which is probably why I got it even more severely) and Trevor proceeded to take my tampon out for me and sucked the clit area of my box. I was kind of thrown because most men are known to act like you have the plague when you have your period but not good ole Trev. He could care less!!

Oh and we did it straight missionary position. Someone said something about the outbreak that happened on my ass crack like that because he hit it from the back but that is not the case. I kept spraying it with mms and dmso to kill it. Dmso is the only substance that penetrates the cells. Mms is a pathogen killer. The virus lives where I was spraying so that is why I had a bad reaction in that area. I want the nasty shit to come out and unfortunately that is part of healing. It's called a herximer reaction, you get sicker before you get better.

I have done a lot of research on this and there are people that are healing themselves and I am determined to do that. Western medicine/drugs does not and has never cured anything so for those of you that want to go that route that is fine but that is not I am doing. Someone said I'm not being "responsible" for not taking meds which is insane to me. I'm only responsible for myself and I obviously am not and don't want to be with anyone anymore so as long as I'm not hurting anyone else it is my personal decision to decide how I want to treat this situation. This country is so brainwashed with these drugs that just suppress symptoms and have side effects. I choose not to suppress this crap and then develop high blood pressure. I'm already fucked up as it is. So you can take your meds and get on that horse and ride off into the sunset like that commercial if you want but I'm not. Nothing about this shit makes me want to bike riding while grinning from ear to ear, sorry.

Lastly, Trevor is not known to be this stand up guy in the community. He is a grade A ass so the "shes lying" comments and "oh my this can never be true" are comedy to me. He has what 4 cases for beating up his fans and bodyguards. Last year he was sued for throwing a glass at a woman: http://allhiphop.com/stories/news/archive/2010/09/17/22391677.aspx

My point is that he is known to be a jerkoff. In my case his weapon of choice was his flame throwing fire crotch dick. Believe what you want to believe I'm not trying to convince anyone. I know what I know and that is Trevor is burning with that herp.

I'm not going to keep talking about Trevors herpified ass so much anymore. It's beating a dead horse. I am just mad, hurt, upset, frustrated, tired, all of the negative emotions that you can imagine from going through this. I have to focus on my protocol that my coach has me on and keeping disciplined with my regimen. Blogging gives me an emotional release from all the stress that this gross shit has me under.

Oh and if you haven't seen it, I found of video of just how kind Trevor can be. Notice that the time he spends cursing her out he could have signed her paper and kept it moving. Guess he didn't have to shit that bad and was just being the prick that I know he is:

Until next time